Ocean Innovation Hub
An Immersive and interactive digital platform
for Sustainable Ocean Solutions
June 12 (Fri) from 12:00 Noon - 7:00 PM EST
Join us in this inspiring virtual conference space to learn more and exchange ideas about the most important issues today facing our oceans. The full day experience will include discussions, films , music and photography exhibitions about the world's oceans.
This event will be the grand finale for the UN World Oceans week of events around the theme for 2020 - "Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean"
Learn more about the Virtual space:
Inside the Ocean Innovation Hub:
- Conferences
- Exhibitions
- Artwork
- Library / Educational space
- Sustainable Fashion
- Film Screenings
- Music
- Photography
Restore Coral and Peace Boat US
More information :
UN World Oceans Day website
About the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Powered by:
Laval Virtual & Metro New Media
Join us on the livestream via youtube here:
UN Ocean Innovation Hub
Theater and Conference Room Schedule
12:00 PM EST - 7:00 PM EST
Register at
Streaming at https://m.youtube.com/user/lavalvirtual
[ Ocean Innovation Conference Room ]
12:00 PM Noon - Opening
12:15 PM - Opening message ( Laval Virtual CEO Laurent Chrétien / Restore Coral Co-founder Roberto Cerda/ 2050 life investments Founder Jose Lindo)
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Sustainable Blue Economy: an opportunity for post-pandemic economic re-activation and well-being with OECD, CICESE, Global Coral Reef Alliance
3:00 PM - Against the Tide: A Journey for Climate Hope - Film Screening (30 min)
3:30 PM - Ocean and Climate Youth Ambassador short film ( 6 min )
+ Q/A with Director Ryan Carl (TBD)
4:00 PM - Innovation for the Resilience of the Mesoamerican Reef, cases of success, with Plan a Million Corals, Sea Shepherd México & Restore Coral
5:00 PM - Ecoship Presentation and Video - zoom or live with Peace
Boat US Director, Emilie McGlone
-Ziggy Livnat presentation live as in the space “For the Seas Productions”
6:00 PM - Innovative financial mechanisms: José Lindo Solis, Ibero-America Focal point Climate Chain Coalition + closing message by Emilie McGlone.
[ Ocean Films Theater Space ]
12:00 PM Noon - Opening with film ANGEL AZUL by Marcelina Cravat
1:00 PM - Ocean Music Hour via soundcloud from Nhii (DJ / Producer )
2:00 PM - Ocean Heroes Network livestream via vimeo
2:30 PM - FXB Climate Advocates Ocean Film Showcase | Create 2030
2:45 PM - Basta la Plastica short film from Giada / Ecoshaker
3:30 PM - Christophe Bailhache from Underwater Earth - Deep Sea Exploration
4:00 PM - PangeaSeed Foundation - Sea Walls and Color the Sea with Me
5:00 PM - Earth X short Youth Film Screening (30 min)
6:00 PM - Ocean Music Hour via soundcloud with Melanie (DJ)
Meet the Partners